Anxiety treatment for teens 12-17 years old

Teen Anxiety Rehab in San Diego

We Accept Insurance

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Access treatment sessions online anywhere in San Diego

Teens connect with peers going through similar situations

They lose the stigma associated with mental illness

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A comprehensive treatment to help teens overcome their daily struggles

At Modern, we understand how challenging teen anxiety can be. Our online anxiety rehab is designed to help teens through these tough times with comprehensive care and support. Your teen can get all the support they need right from home, ensuring they heal in a safe and comforting space.

Customized sessions

  • We design a treatment plan that's all about what your teen needs, helping them in a way that makes sense for them.

Group sessions

  • In our sessions, teens get to open up, learn, and start healing with other kids who are going through similar issues.

Recovery coach

  • Our coaches, who've been in your teen's shoes and beat anxiety, are here to give them the kind, understanding support they need.

Customized sessions

  • We design a treatment plan that's all about what your teen needs, helping them in a way that makes sense for them.

Group sessions

  • In our sessions, teens get to open up, learn, and start healing with other kids who are going through similar issues.

Recovery coach

  • Our coaches, who've been in your teen's shoes and beat anxiety, are here to give them the kind, understanding support they need.

Our treatment sessions in San Diego are online. This is ideal for teens who…

  • Can attend sessions at times that fit into their busy school and activity calendars.
  • Feel more comfortable discussing personal issues from the safety of their own home.
  • Need access quality therapy without the need for long commutes.
  • Need consistent support, ensuring they can attend regularly and follow up easily without disruptions.

Why choose our Teen Anxiety Rehab?

The Teen Anxiety Rehab Program in San Diego offers more than just a standard weekly schedule. It provides a private, convenient, cost-effective, and comprehensive approach to healing.

Convenient scheduling

Our online rehab program is flexible, so it easily matches your teen’s daily routine.

Better accessibility

Accessible from anywhere, our program welcomes teens, with or without disabilities, helping save on travel costs.

Discreet & confidential

Receiving treatment at home ensures privacy and eliminates concerns about the stigma of visiting a treatment center.

Convenient scheduling

Our online rehab program is flexible, so it easily matches your teen’s daily routine.

Better accessibility

Accessible from anywhere, our program welcomes teens, with or without disabilities, helping save on travel costs.

Discreet & confidential

Receiving treatment at home ensures privacy and eliminates concerns about the stigma of visiting a treatment center.

If you notice these signs in your teen, call us for support

Knowing when your teen needs help with anxiety isn’t always easy, but teen anxiety counseling can be a relief. It’s helpful for teens who deal with:

  • 🌀 Constant worrying: Always stressed about different things in life.
  • 🍃 Restlessness: Often feeling jittery or on edge.
  • 💥 Panic attacks: They’re hit with intense fear out of the blue.
  • 🛑 Avoidance: Steering clear of places or people that make them anxious.
  • 🌜 Trouble sleeping: Having a hard time getting to sleep or staying asleep.

Get help for your teen today!

phone-icon (424) 484-4904

We accept insurance

We collaborate with the most significant insurance providers to lessen the financial burden of treatment. Please verify if your provider covers your treatment.

We’re in-network with BlueCross BlueShield

Masters-level therapists

When looking for counseling for teen anxiety, it’s essential to choose certified therapists.

In San Diego, our therapists, all with master’s degrees, are experts in leading teens towards recovery.

Jordan Boyce


Matt Nofi

How to get started?

Starting our Teen Anxiety Rehab in California is simple and only takes three steps, starting with a quick call or message.

1- The initial phone call

Share your teen’s experiences, delve into treatment alternatives, and discuss financial aspects.

2- Pre-screening

Confirm the treatment modality and insurance coverage and gain insights into the upcoming journey.

3- Start therapy

Complete the intake process, meet our staff, and begin treatment.

1- The initial phone call

Share your teen’s experiences, delve into treatment alternatives, and discuss financial aspects.

2- Pre-screening

Confirm the treatment modality and insurance coverage and gain insights into the upcoming journey.

3- Start therapy

Complete the intake process, meet our staff, and begin treatment.