Anxiety treatment for teens 12-17 years old

Online Teen Anxiety Rehab in San Francisco

We Accept Insurance

Let’s check if your insurance provider will cover your treatment costs.
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Teens receive support from Master’s level therapists

Family sessions to understand your teen better

Treatment is personalized to your teen’s needs

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Why choose Modern’s Teen Anxiety Rehab?

At Modern, we understand that dealing with teen anxiety is no small feat. That’s why our online anxiety rehab program is here to support teens during these challenging times with complete care and support. Your teen will receive all the help they need from the comfort of home – a safe and soothing environment for their healing journey.

Customized sessions

  • We design a treatment plan that's all about what your teen needs, helping them in a way that makes sense for them.

Group sessions

  • In our sessions, teens get to open up, learn, and start healing with other kids who are going through similar issues.

Recovery coach

  • Our coaches, who've been in your teen's shoes and beat anxiety, are here to give them the kind, understanding support they need.

Customized sessions

  • We design a treatment plan that's all about what your teen needs, helping them in a way that makes sense for them.

Group sessions

  • In our sessions, teens get to open up, learn, and start healing with other kids who are going through similar issues.

Recovery coach

  • Our coaches, who've been in your teen's shoes and beat anxiety, are here to give them the kind, understanding support they need.

Masters-level therapists

Our therapists create a supportive and understanding environment where your teen will feel heard and valued. Using proven techniques, they work to help your teen manage their anxiety, build confidence, and find hope for a brighter future.

In San Francisco, our therapists, all with master’s degrees, are experts in leading teens towards recovery.

Jordan Boyce


Matt Nofi

Does your teen show these signs? Call us for support today!

  • 😟 Constant worry: Your teen seems overly anxious about daily activities.
  • 💤 Sleep issues: Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep due to anxiety.
  • 🎒 School avoidance: Frequent excuses to avoid school or declining grades.
  • 🚶‍♂️ Withdrawal: Pulling away from friends and family, isolating themselves.
  • 🗣️ Irritability: Increased irritability or frequent mood swings.
  • 🧠 Trouble concentrating: Difficulty focusing on tasks or making decisions.
  • ❤️ Physical complaints: Frequent headaches, stomachaches, or other unexplained pains.

If you notice these signs, reach out to us today. We understand how tough it can be to see your teen struggle, and we’re here to provide the compassionate support they need to find relief and hope. Call us now – we’re here to help.

phone-icon (424) 484-4904

Teens in San Francisco struggle with anxiety and require comprehensive support

Living in San Francisco, teens face unique challenges that can intensify anxiety. We understand how difficult it can be to see your teen struggle, and we’re here to help with a comprehensive approach:

  • 🌉 High academic pressure: San Francisco’s competitive school environment can cause overwhelming stress.
  • 💻 Tech overload: Excessive screen time and social media use can lead to anxiety and feelings of inadequacy.
  • 🚶‍♂️ Social isolation: Urban life can sometimes lead to feelings of isolation despite being surrounded by people.
  • 🌐 Diverse cultural expectations: Navigating different cultural expectations and norms can be challenging and anxiety-inducing.
  • 🗣️ Environmental stress: The fast-paced city life and constant noise can increase stress levels.

If your teen is facing these challenges, reach out today. We’re here to provide the compassionate and comprehensive care your teen needs to overcome anxiety and thrive. We’re here for you and your family.

phone-icon (424) 484-4904

Some of our Anxiety Treatment methods

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): This method guides teens in identifying and transforming negative thought patterns into positive actions.
  • Exposure Therapy: This technique gradually exposes teens to their fears in a controlled environment, which can lessen their anxiety over time.
  • Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques: These practices help teens focus on the present moment, encouraging a state of calm and increased concentration.

Rehab benefits

Our Teen Anxiety Rehab Program in San Francisco offers more than the usual weekly schedule. It provides privacy, convenience, affordability, and a comprehensive approach to treatment.

Convenient scheduling

Our online rehab program is flexible, so sessions can be scheduled to fit your teen’s daily routine.

Better accessibility

Accessible from anywhere, it’s perfect for teens with or without disabilities, saving you a trip and some cash.

Discreet & confidential

With treatment from home, your teen can stay private and avoid the stress of being judged for visiting a treatment center.

Convenient scheduling

Our online rehab program is flexible, so sessions can be scheduled to fit your teen’s daily routine.

Better accessibility

Accessible from anywhere, it’s perfect for teens with or without disabilities, saving you a trip and some cash.

Discreet & confidential

With treatment from home, your teen can stay private and avoid the stress of being judged for visiting a treatment center.

We accept insurance

We collaborate with the most significant insurance providers to lessen the financial burden of treatment. Please verify if your provider covers your treatment.

We’re in-network with BlueCross BlueShield

How to get started?

Starting our Teen Anxiety Rehab in California is easy with just three steps, beginning with a quick call or message.

1- The initial phone call

Share your teen’s experiences, delve into treatment alternatives, and discuss financial aspects.

2- Pre-screening

Confirm the treatment modality and insurance coverage and gain insights into the upcoming journey.

3- Start therapy

Complete the intake process, meet our staff, and begin treatment.

1- The initial phone call

Share your teen’s experiences, delve into treatment alternatives, and discuss financial aspects.

2- Pre-screening

Confirm the treatment modality and insurance coverage and gain insights into the upcoming journey.

3- Start therapy

Complete the intake process, meet our staff, and begin treatment.